M.P. Water and Land Management Institute
(WALMI), Bhopal

(A premiere autonomous training institute, working as a part of Panchayat and the Rural Development Department, Govt. of M.P.)

The course is aimed to give knowledge of PIM and CAD to the farmers in the command area of Irrigation projects, to the sub engineers and the higher officials of the Water Resources department and to the professionals willing to work in the field with the farmers of the command area. As PIM is the accepted phenomenon in the command area and also the command area development is required to increase the productivity in the command area giving benefits to the farmers.


Course Design

A three-day course will be delivered through course lectures mode on different aspects of PIM will be delivered by the eminent resource persons, ensuring the concepts and the different aspects of PIM and CAD are understood by the participants. Pre and post assessment regarding the knowledge of the participants will be done to assess the effectiveness of the course.

Targeted Participants

Farmers, Engineers, NGO Persons working or any other interested in working in command areas can apply on this course

Course Fee

Rs. 6000/- per participants which includes course material, welcome kit, certificates and lodging boarding during the course.

Course Expert

WALMI is a premiere autonomous training institute, working in the field of natural resources management as a part of Panchayat and the Rural Development Department, Govt.

Er. Amitabh Mishra

Mobile +91-9425375311

Er. Amitabh Mishra is a retired Superintendent Engineer from Water Resource Department, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh. He has more than Three Decades of working experience in Government department and leading positions like PIM Expert in various reputed project supported by National and International funding agencies including World Bank like MPWSRP. Er. Mishra conducted many training and capacity building programs on Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) and other important topics for newly recruited AEs, S/Es and Admins, WUAs presidents and competent authorities. Currently He is associated with WALMI as a resource person and Madhya Pradesh Water Resource Department (MPWRD) and delivering various training programs.

Er. Ramesh kumar Chachondia

Mobile +91-9425155697

Er. Ramesh Kumar Chachondia has a more than four decades of vast experience in the water resource management, Participatory irrigation management (PIM) and Command Area development (CAD). Er. Chachondia is a retired Engineer in-Chief from Water Resource Department, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh and also in the leading positions with Asian Development bank for PIM and CB for Orissa, Director PIM, Director, SWaDAC MPWRD World Bank project, Adviser, RGM, RD and Panchayat Department, Adviser, PIM and CAD MPWRD Govt. of M.P. Er. Chachondia participated various seminars and conferences PIM and CAD at State, National at almost all States of India and international level including third World Water Conference at Japan. Er. Currently working as a Principal Consultant for PIM and CAD MPWALMI

WALMI is a premiere autonomous training institute, working in the field of natural resources management as a part of Panchayat and the Rural Development Department, Govt.